“The Wise Men Followed a Star…”

Today, January 6, on the Solemnity of Epiphany, Finnian Patrick became a child of God. He was baptized during the 11:00 AM Mass at our parish and slept as the water was poured on his head.

My in-laws traveled two hours to be present (my dad was with us through his prayers). A few of our homeschooling friends were present, including Lisa Hile, who enriched the Mass with her beautiful voice. Our good friends Mike and Rosalie are Finnian’s godparents. After the Mass, we invited those present to our house for cake. A handful of the families were able to come (Finnian’s grandparents, his godparents, the Bittners, and the Olsons). We are thankful to all those who took the time to share Finnian’s most important day in his life, so far. I pray that, like the wisemen, Finnian follows a star, honoring Jesus and walking in His footsteps.


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