Doing What is Possible

Yesterday, I was lamenting the fact that aside from our crown of thorns, our family did not observe our usual Lenten traditions this year. Our Last Supper was not displayed. Patrick and Finnian fussed most of the day. Our house was a mess. Catherine was late for her piano lesson. We ate scrambled eggs for dinner (yes, dinner). I still have a lot to do before Easter. My list went on and on.

At eight o’clock, we attended Mass and my lamentations were washed away. I was thankful to be in the presence of our Lord. I was thankful to be doing the most important thing that I could be doing as a human being, attending Mass. At the end of Mass, Patrick started screaming. I gave Finnian to my husband, picked Patrick up and went to the vestibule. As I stood in the vestibule, holding Patrick, I was thankful that on Holy Thursday, we had done what was necessary and possible.

This morning, I am grateful to Love2learn Mom for sharing St. Francis of Assisi’s wise words, “Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”


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