Come to the Stable

My family and I have watched Come to the Stable on a few occasions and each time, I have really enjoyed the movie. Today, thanks to Sonific, I learned that the movie is actually based on a true story. I was searching Sonific’s site for religious music and I discovered the beautiful song (now on my blog) sung by the Choir of Benedictine Nuns at the Abbey of Regina Laudis. Wanting to know who these nuns were, I did a Google search. The search led me to the website of the Abbey of Regina Laudis. Once on the site, I clicked “Foundation History” and found that I was very familiar with the story.

I now know what I might want for my birthday…

HT: to Life in a Nutshell for leading me to Sonific.

ETA: Ana left a comment letting me know that Ignatius Press has published a book about the Abbey of Regina Laudis,
Mother Benedict

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