Please Pray for Jonathan Stevenson

I used to tutor for Jonathan’s brother, Kolbe.

The following information was sent to our homeschool group.

He hit a tree while riding a motorcycle and fractured his skull and one arm. He has fractured cheek bones and swelling and bleeding in the head. He did not puncture a lung as earlier thought. The doctors have not done any surgery on his head and won’t unless things get worse. They are closely monitoring the pressure in his head and are using a combination of drugs to adjust his metabolism and heart rate to keep the pressure from increasing. Jonathan’s arm will probably need surgery but they will have to wait until his condition improves before attempting this. The doctors say he will probably be in a coma for at least a week and it may be 2 or 3 weeks before they know how well he is doing and up to a year before they know how complete his recovery will be. In other words, “It is in God’s Hands”. So keep praying.

Please ask for Mary’s intercession and pray to The Holy Trinity asking for Jonathan’s quick recovery and strength for the whole Stevenson family in coping with this extremely stressful situation, especially for Kolbe who was with Jonathan at the time of the accident.

Jonathan’s family is keeping people updated on his condition via CaringBridge,

Updated to correct the link above.

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