The Humility of Pregnancy

My children and I are trying our best to go to daily Mass. When we are able to do so, I feel that I have given my children “the best”. However, giving my children the best sometimes comes with a price when I am pregnant and have a toddler who feels that the church is a great place to be noisy.

Shortly before the great Amen on Thursday, my toddler decided to run and giggle, so I picked him up and stood holding him in the vestibule, pointing out pictures of Jesus, St. Gertrude the Great and Pope Benedict XVI, and listening to my little boy quietly and sweetly sing, “Holy God” over and over. I was so focused on my youngest that I failed to go up and receive Communion. When I realized that I had missed Communion, I started to cry, as only a pregnant mother can. Trying to compose myself made the tears roll down even more. However, God in His goodness sent two people to console me. The first was Pat, the mother of ten children, who expressed her approval of my coming to Mass with all of my children and said, “I know just what you are going through.” The second was my toddler’s godmother and her daughters who spoke with me and my children about gardening, etc. until I calmed down. I know that one day, I will probably look back on my pregnancies and laugh at how emotional I became at times, but for now I thank God for continuing to teach me humility.
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