My Husband Thinks I’m Crazy

We usually set up our outdoor nativity scene on the Saturday prior to Gaudete Sunday; however, we did not have time to do so this past weekend. Thus, yesterday, I mentioned to my husband that the children and I might do so. He said, “Go for it.”

Around 3 o’clock, I could not bear the thought of not having our nativity out any longer. I made sure that everyone was dressed warmly and we all went outside. After working for a little while, I sent the majority of the children back inside due to the cold. Brendan and I worked diligently to get the figures positioned. Once Mary, Joseph, and company were all set up, we plugged them in and found that two wisemen and the shepherd did not light up. Since it was starting to get dark, we decided to head inside and replace light bulbs later.

When my husband arrived home, he was happy to see that most of our nativity scene was outside, but he stated, “You must be crazy setting that up in this kind of weather.” I reminded him that he had said, “Go for it.” He replied, “I didn’t think you really would. It’s cold outside.” Little does he know that today his crazy wife is planning on not only replacing light bulbs, but hopefully hanging our star and a few lights, too.

I know that the temperature is below freezing, I know that there is snow and ice on the ground. I know that my loving husband walked to Mass on Sunday because I did not want him driving the car on the ice. I know that I probably should have gone grocery shopping yesterday because it snowed last night, our groceries are low, and I am petrified at the thought of driving on the ice that is sure to be blanketing our street thanks to the newly fallen snow. I also know that our nativity scene needs to be fixed and our lights need to be hung; AND this “crazy wife” would much rather do the latter then risk life and limb to venture far from the house in the freezing cold, icy weather.
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