42 Days Until the Next 40 Days for Life

The message below is from the Lent 2009 Tacoma 40 Days for Life Coordinator.

Are you getting ready for the 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil? It’s only 42 days away! We’d like to really fill the sidewalk this vigil, so we’re asking for your help.

Before I go any further, I’d like to heartily thank those of you who have already volunteered to be leaders and assistant leaders. We’ve got a great start on filling the schedule, but we need about 20 more people who would be willing to take on a shift leader / assistant shift leader role. It’s a very rewarding experience!

Changes for this vigil: We’re asking leaders and assistant leaders for only a 2-hour shift instead of a 3-hour shift. But that means we’re going to need more leaders, doesn’t it? So… If you might be interested, or know of someone who might be interested in being a leader, can you let me know? Or here’s another idea… Would you like to add excitement to your friends’ lives? Sign them up to be a shift leader! (By the way… that was a joke!)

And to ALL participants (not just the leaders)… please spread the word about this vigil! It’s approaching quickly, and it looks like it’s going to be an amazing turnout.

Vigil details:
Same place as usual – in front of Planned Parenthood on Martin Luther King Drive, Tacoma.
Starts Ash Wednesday – Feb 25, and goes through April 5th – a week before Easter.
Shift 1: 10:00-noon
Shift 2:
Shift 3: 2:00-4:00
Praying all 7 days a week for 40 days…!

Thanks VERY much for your help,

Tom Chambers

The only thing needed for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing.
-Edmund Burke

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