Worthwhile Listening

Yesterday, I listened to:

Banish Envy from Your Heart

“Banish from your heart this shameful and destructive vice. Let charity reign amongst you, and do not envy one another any more. Rejoice with the joyful, and mourn with the sorrowful. Take a sincere interest in the weal or woe of your fellow man. Grant to every one the good which belongs to him, even to your enemy; and do not refuse your sympathy to any unfortunate person, not even to your enemy.”
~ St. Jean Baptiste Marie Vianney

Marriage is a Vocation, Not a Lifestyle Choice

Be Holy as the Holy Family is Holy
“You can tell the strength of a nation, by the strength of the family life in the nation.”
~ Fr. Mateo Crawley-Boevey, SS.CC.

Today, I listened to:

11th Hour Salvation: A Reason for Supernatural Hope
Act of Hope
O my God, relying on Thy almighty power and infinite mercy and promises, I hope to obtain pardon for my sins, the help of Thy grace, and life everlasting, through the merits of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Redeemer. Amen.

Mental Prayer is Essential for Salvation
“God has established Holy Communion with the power to transform us into saints.”
7 Possible Obstacles to Our Sanctification:
1. Mortal sin
2. Deliberate venial sins
3. A lack of generosity in pursuing God’s will and uniting our will to His.
4. Lack of bodily mortification.
5. Lack of interior mortification.
6. Lack of spiritual reading.
7. Lack of mental prayer.
“All the saints became saints because of mental prayer.”

Thank you to Jessica for bringing Audio Sancto to my attention a couple of years ago.


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