I am currently reading what is available of Transformation in Christ on Google Reader. It is a lot slower than reading a physical copy of this work and I am very tempted to just buy Dietrich von Hildebrand’s book. It is excellent!
I am also reading A Year with the Saints on Google Reader. Each month focuses on a specific virtue with a quote and reflections on that virtue for each day. This is easier to navigate on Google Reader than Transformation in Christ, as I can choose the page where I stopped, save it as a pdf, copy and paste, etc. I will most likely read this book in this format each year; although, an actual copy would be nice too.
Note: Thank you to Michele for making me aware that the first book was available on Google Reader. Another Catholic homeschooling mother recommended the latter book on her blog. I will give credit where credit is due, as soon as I find the original recommendation.