Third Man on the Mountain

Third Man on the Mountain
Last night, we watched Third Man on the Mountain. My husband had seen it many years ago, but it was the first time that the children and I had seen it.  We thoroughly enjoyed the movie.  

The movie is based on a true story.  Rudi, is the son a famous mountain guide who died while trying to save the life of a climber on the ‘Citadel’ (the Matterhorn). As he washes dishes, Rudi dreams about climbing to the top of the Citadel and placing his father’s red shirt there. Unfortunately, his mother and uncle do not want him to climb, but as Elizabeth (Rudi’s sweetheart) states, trying to stop Rudi from climbing mountains, “would be like trying to bottle up the wind.” As the film progresses, Rudi and the viewers learn an important lesson about sacrificing desires and putting others first.
The film was made in 1959, when Disney still knew how to make family movies. I was pleased to see that a crucifix hung above the bed of Elizabeth and that Rudi prayed before a little shrine.  The beautiful Swiss scenery and intriguing story line kept all of our attention.
We will be adding this movie to our collection.
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