You Know You’re Tired When

1. You start to call for your son, but you call “God” instead. My children were amused to hear me say, “Goood” in the same way that I would say, “Paaatrick”. What can I say, I was thinking about Him as I brought the dinner to the table.
2. You start the dishwasher and then realize that you never added detergent.
3. You almost run a red light. My eldest son informed me, “I was thinking that you thought our big van could stop as quickly as a sports car or something.” I didn’t know that our van could come to a stop as quickly as it did. Dear, if you are reading this, don’t worry. I won’t make a habit of stopping the van quickly. I know that it is bad for the brakes.
4. The only thing that you really want to do all day, every day, is climb in bed and go to sleep.
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