These are a Few of My Favorite Catholic Books

Recently, I was speaking with another mother about good (maybe, I should say great) Catholic books. There are some real gems available that can help us to grow in our Faith. Some of these excellent Catholic books include:

Great Wives and Mothers by Fr. Hugh Francis Blunt

This is my favorite book about various female saints. Sometimes, I wonder whether this is because I am a wife and mother. However, I think that it has more to do with the engaging manner in which Fr. Blunt writes about these saints and holy people. I like Our Lady of Victory’s hardcover publication better than the paperback that is sold on Amazon. For this reason, I have linked to OLVS.

I Believe in Love: A Personal Retreat Based on the Teaching of St. Thérèse of Lisieux by Fr. Jean C.J. d’ Elbee

I have appreciated reading this book during Lent a few times. It makes for a wonderful little personal retreat. Each time that I read this book, it provides me with more to ponder. Fr. d’Elbee inspires his readers to have confidence, to desire holiness, to believe in God’s mercy, and so much more. I truly benefit from reading this book every couple of years.

An Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis de Sales

An Introduction to the Devout Life is a book that can be read and reread over and over again. Each time that I reread it, St. Francis de Sales’ words speak to me in a new way. Sometimes, I find myself thinking, “I don’t remember reading that before.” I believe that An Introduction to the Devout Life can speak to readers regardless of there state in life. It is so rich and full of wisdom.

Life of Christ by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Shortly before my paternal grandmother’s death, she had cataract surgery. Archbishop Sheen’s Life of Christ was the last book that she read before she died. It is an excellent book and one that I have returned to on several occasions.

My Daily Bread: A Summary of the Spiritual Life, Simplified and Arranged for Daily Reading, Reflection and Prayer by Fr. Anthony J. Paone

My Daily Bread is available from the Confraternity of Precious Blood and Catholic bookstores for $8.50. I have enjoyed reading this after my morning prayers, as it provides me with something to focus on or think about during the day.

Spiritual Guidelines for Souls Seeking God by Fr. Basil W. Maturin

The holiest priest whom I know recommended this book to me, writing, “It’s a little gem my spiritual director tipped me on to. Read it carefully.” I have read it twice since he recommended it in February, and I will be rereading it in the future. This book is a true gem. (New recommendation June 2020)

This Tremendous Lover by Fr. Eugene Boylan

Murielle Yeoman, a dear friend (more like adopted grandmother) of my family when I was growing up, gave this book to my mother for Mother’s Day in 1980. After my mother died, my father gave it to me with several other books from my parents’ library. Recently, thanks to the fact that my pastor occasionally quotes from it in our parish bulletin, I plucked the book from our bookcase shelf. I highly recommend it.

True Devotion To Mary by St. Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort

I have a couple of older publications of this book, not this specific edition. True Devotion to Mary is a wonderful gift from a great saint.

Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence: The Secret of Peace and Happiness by Fr. Jean-Baptiste Saint Jure and Bl. Claude de la Colombiere

My father recommended this book to me several years ago, and I am so thankful that he did.

Uniformity with God’s Will by St. Alphonsus de Ligouri

Every Catholic should read and reread this short, inexpensive, easy to read booklet.

The World’s First Love: Mary, Mother of God by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

This is another book that I feel every Catholic should read. Non-Catholics who would like to understand why Catholics have a devotion to Our Blessed Mother would also most likely benefit from this book.

A Year With the Saints: A Virtue for Every Month of the Year

This book focuses on one virtue each month, quoting saints and sharing a little bit about them and other holy people who exemplified the given virtue. Tan Books’ website says that a new edition will be published soon. Local Catholic bookstores might still have the previous edition in stock.

I will update this list as I think of and/or read more excellent Catholic books.

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