Outside my window it is cloudy. My children had been hoping that it would snow when we had freezing cold temperatures and are lamenting the fact that it warmed up just a little before we got any real precipitation. I say “real” because we did get a slight dusting of snow the one day.
In the kitchen…
I was too tired after Mass to help with cookie making on the Feast of St. Nicholas (our traditional Christmas cookie-baking day), so I need to find some time to make cookies before Christmas. We like to give cookies to some of our neighbors. This year, we also want to take some for the dessert reception that will follow Theresa’s Confirmation.
The children are looking forward to making gingerbread houses with “Daddy”. They had so much fun doing so last year and keep asking when we are going to make them again.
We are enjoying listening to Advent at Ephesus. We purchased this CD last year and it has become a staple in our house during Advent. In fact, we liked it so much that I purchased all of the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles’ other CDs earlier this year. The CDs are available on Amazon
too, but I think that the Benedictine sisters benefit more if you buy the CDs directly from them. Advent at Ephesus has been enriching our Advent.
I am hearing Catherine and Bernadette practicing for our parish choir. They joined the adult choir this year and have been enjoying singing each Sunday and on holy days. At the moment, the girls are trying to keep one of the pieces that they will be singing this Sunday or for Christmas a secret. I am finding it amusing because Bernadette will start singing or humming and Catherine will say, “Shhh, we don’t want anyone to know.”
I am praying for Jenn who just had open heart surgery.
I am thankful to the anonymous parishioner who has given me eight hours of cleaning time. It was a wonderful early Christmas present. I am planning on saving it for when this little baby is born in February.
I am thinking about personalities and puzzle making. I have always started assembling puzzles with the outer edge. Patrick starts with what he finds most interesting. With this puzzle, Patrick started with Mary’s and the angel’s faces. Does this say something about us?
We finished this beautiful Our Lady of Guadalupe puzzle yesterday, minus one piece. Thank you to Jessica for originally making us aware of the puzzle.
I am pondering my pastor’s sermon. Yesterday, our pastor gave a great sermon, speaking about standing firm in the Faith. He also mentioned that he would like to be able to reach the teens and 20 somethings in our parish and help them to realize that they are called to fall more deeply in love with God. Let us remember this Advent that we can all become saints.
Playing Stratego |
I am reading The Little Way of the Infant Jesus
Plans for the rest of Advent include:
- Baking cookies
- Making gingerbread houses
Attending a youth symphony concertI started writing this last week. The concert went well. The youth symphony received two standing ovations.- Another ultrasound – This ultrasound will include a 3D view of our baby.
- O Antiphons which begin tomorrow
- Participating in Theresa’s Confirmation retreat
- Watching and praying for Theresa as she is confirmed
- Taking a family photo
- Sending out Christmas cards
I am happy that I got most of my Christmas shopping completed before Advent. I am planning on picking up another present for my husband and I want to get something else for Catherine (if I can find what she told me she wants/needs).
I might also need to find another child-size rake. While I am about it, maybe I could get a child-size snow shovel
too. Hey, I can dream that we might get enough snow this year to use a snow shovel.
I hope that everyone is having a blessed and fruitful Advent.