2013 Read Alouds
My children enjoyed listening to the story of this wonderful saint and Our Blessed Mother.
Theresa couldn’t wait for her dad to finish reading this book. I remember being the same way when I was in second or third grade and heard my teacher reading this book out loud to my classmates and me. In fact, the copy that my husband read is the copy that I asked my mom to buy for me at the time. Needless to say, this book has been a long time favorite of mine. I think that Charlotte’s Web belongs in every child’s personal library.
My husband and children thought this book was amusing. Brendan read these books when he was younger and enjoyed them. This was the rest of the family’s first introduction to the Freddy books.
The Princess and Curdie by George MacDonald
The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald
The book that we read was illustrated by Ursula K. Le Guin. I would like to see the copy of this book that is illustrated by Jessie Wilcox Smith.
The Pushcart War by Jean Merrill
Thanks go to Kimberlee for making us aware of this funny satire.
Sixty Saints for Boys by Joan Windham
Sixty Saints for Girls by Joan Windham
A friend gave me this book last spring after I told her about Sixty Saints for Boys. My children and I thoroughly enjoy the stories in both of these books.
The Wanderers by Elizabeth Jane Coatsworth, illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman
Based on the author and illustrator, I expected this book to be a winner. I wasn’t disappointed. My husband and children found the story and illustrations delightful.
Wow, these are the very nice collection. Can you please upload more designs?
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