A Rainy Day Summer Daybook

Outside my window
It is overcast and raining lightly. We have had a very sunny summer so far. A little bit of rain is necessary to water our trees and flowers. As my husband told our pastor, “There’s nothing wrong with a little rain. I like my grass to be the same color as my weeds.”

I am wearing
a khaki skirt and a red shirt.

In the kitchen

I am happy that this berry cream birthday pie from Costco was well received. I thought that a pie would be a nice change from a cake.

I am dreaming about freshly caught barbecued salmon for dinner on Friday night.

I am thankful for
my baby boy! 

He is very active and smiles a lot. 

He will often giggle when one of his siblings gives him to me. I am so thankful that God blessed us with another little boy. I absolutely love him!

I am hearing

Kilian’s breathing as he nurses and an occasional clap of thunder.

I am praying for
the priests, nuns, seminarians, my daughters, all the other girls, organizers, and volunteers of the FSSP camp in which our girls are participating.

I am praying for Eva. She had surgery on Monday and I am hoping that everything went smoothly and that she recovers quickly.

I am also continuing to pray for Kim.

We are learning all the time
Anthony returned from Camp St. Joseph, a boys’ camp, with lots to share. It was the second FSSP boys’ camp that he attended this summer. I am thankful that he was able to go to both camps and for all that he learned from the priests and seminarians. A couple of nights ago, he was telling us that Fr. Nolan had shown all of them how to do push ups correctly. Let me just say, they are much more difficult than the push ups that we learned to do when we were little. From the way he talks, I know that he thinks that “FSSP priests are cool”. Not only are “they cool”, but they are more manly than most men today. Most importantly, they are holy and have a deep love for God.

Cecilia sewed two more skirts before leaving for the girls’ camp. She made them based on the measurements of this skirt. She is about 5’3″. We bought 2 yards of material. This allowed Cecilia to cut 2 panels for each tier, giving her a nice seam down either side of the skirt. The top tier was 9″ x 38″ (she cut two 19″ panels). The second tier was 7″ x 50″ (two 25″ panels). The third tier was 7″ x 64″ (two 32″ panels). The fourth tier was 7″ x 80″ (two 40″ panels).  The fifth tier was 6″ x 96″ (two 48″ panels). These shirts from Lands End go perfectly with the tiered skirt that we bought and the ones that she made.

Agnes made a gored skirt, using an old pattern that we have. I think that she has been bitten by the sewing bug too.

I am missing my three oldest daughters and praying that they are growing in their love for God. Last night, I was happy to hear from my friend, Elena, that everyone was okay after a wind and thunderstorm. I can’t wait for them to come home.

I am reading
The Glories Of Mary by St. Alphonsus Liguori. This book is truly excellent! I am reading through it slowly and loving Our Blessed Mother more and more because of it. God is so good!

I am thinking about 
learning things by heart. In high school, I was blessed with an English teacher (a former college professor) who had us learn all sorts of things by heart. I still remember reciting from Chaucer in Old English:

Whan that Aprille with his shoures soote
The droghte of Marche hath perced to the roote,
And bathed every veyne in swich licour
Of which vertu engendred is the flour…

My children have also heard me quote from Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Water, water, everywhere,

Nor any drop to drink.

Anyway, this teacher recently shared that he used to receive snide comments from people, including fellow colleagues, because he would have us memorize poetry. What his colleagues didn’t realize was that he was making a lasting impression on his students. “Doc”, as my baby sister refers to him, was probably my favorite teacher because he had us not only read great literature, but learn to appreciate and like it. I will always be grateful that he taught us to enjoy learning things by heart and to love learning.

I am listening to
or rather replaying Fr. S.’s sermon from Sunday in my head. Fr. S. gave an excellent sermon (as usual) on Our Lady of Mount Carmel and the brown scapular. He shared that we should kiss our scapulars each night He mentioned that a soul is like a garden, and so much more. Finally, he told us that it is virtually impossible for anyone to get to Heaven without Our Lady’s assistance. It was a beautiful sermon and I am hoping that Fr. S. eventually makes it available to all of his parishioners in booklet format.

Plans for this week
  • Go to daily Mass
  • Prepare for a Lilla Rose party that a couple of friends are hosting on Monday
  • Pick up a new fishing reel for my son who wants to go fishing
  • Spend some time gardening

A favorite prayer

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen.

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  1. Eva on July 24, 2014 at 7:05 pm

    The pie looks really yummy! And Killian is so sweet. Great sewing, I also loved the post with the crabs earlier this week. Jonathan was supposed to have an online class with the Center for Lit tonight. They are based in Washington. They had to reschedule the class for next week because the storms had done damage to their internet connection. That must be the same storm you are mentioning. Good that your girls are safe. Are they coming back on the weekend? Thanks for praying for me. I am having good and bad times each day and have to stay in bed for now. How is Kim doing? The salmon sounds absolutely delicious. When I lived in B.C. I had fresh salmon a lot. Take care and tell your husband our yard also has more weeds than grass :).

  2. Anonymous on July 24, 2014 at 8:42 pm

    So, how does one find out about the girls camp? Link?

  3. Anonymous on July 24, 2014 at 8:42 pm

    So, how does one find out about the girls camp? Link?

  4. Christine on July 25, 2014 at 5:30 am

    Yes, it probably was the same storm. I haven't heard of the Center for Lit. I'll have to look it up. The girls will be home tonight. You are welcome for the prayers. I will continue to pray for you. The pressure on Kim's brain is relieved, but the doctors did find cancer cells on the membrane of her brain. I didn't realize that you had lived in B.C. I really like barbecued salmon. We don't have it very often though. Remember to offer those "bad times" to God. I hope that you have a relaxing weekend and that your recovery continues to go smoothly. May God bless you and your family.

  5. Christine on July 25, 2014 at 5:31 am

    I'm sending you an email. 🙂

  6. Eva on July 25, 2014 at 8:55 am

    For Jonathan the Center for Lit is perfect. He has to read books (he does not like to read fiction) and he has to discuss them. He loves to talk! We are only doing the discussions, not the written assignments. Here is a link. Some people don't like Mr. Andrew's style, but Jonathan does not mind his jokes. Do I remember correctly that you use mostly Seton? I was an exchange student in B.C. in 1986 to 1987. I loved it. I lived in Merritt, in the mountains, but went to Vancouver regularly with the librarian of our high school. She actually lived there and only worked in Merritt during the week. I still have contact to her. She is about 90 now!

    I feel so sorry for Kim and her family. Does she need new surgery? Can she be treated?

    I have been trying to offer up the bad times, but it is hard and exhausting. The sunshine this morning is really comforting, I wish I could go outside. Thanks for your continued prayers. Enjoy your girls and the stories they have to tell you when they come home.

  7. Christine on July 31, 2014 at 11:28 am

    Did you get my email?

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