If it is Quiet

 something’s going on…

He fell asleep eating his first Oreo cookie.
I assumed our little boy would eat his second Oreo cookie after he woke up. Instead, as I was teaching our baby boy’s  brothers and sisters, and he was playing quietly at my feet, our baby boy found said Oreo cookie and proceeded to try and devour it. I attempted to wash him off in the kitchen sink and then realized that he needed a bath to get all of the Oreo cookie off of him. I don’t know if our baby boy or the dining room floor looked worse. I do know that we can no longer have Oreo cookies out around Kilian without him crying for one.
After being rinsed off in the sink
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  1. Eva on October 29, 2014 at 9:17 pm

    That is so true about the "if it is quiet." That normally means something is not quite right. Your little one is very clever, I have to admit :). And he looks happy about it.

  2. Christine on October 29, 2014 at 9:21 pm

    He is a very happy baby who keeps me on my toes.

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