Friday Finds

For All the Saints Artist Trading Card Swap
Kimberlee and family are hosting another wonderful For All the Saints artist trading card swap. When I asked my children who would like to participate in the swap this time, my youngest daughter responded, “I do if I can.” Of course she can. I hope to participate with her and one or two of my other children. Please visit Pondered in My Heart if you and/or your children would like to participate too.

Doll Habits
My mother-in-law gave a doll in a habit to my oldest daughter when she was around 6. Needless to say, when I saw this doll habit on Jessica’s website, I was excited. Visit Jessica’s website to enter the giveaway for this habit.

I enjoy Susie Lloyd’s books and was happy to learn that she has a new title available. Mrs. Lloyd’s latest book is Yes, God!: What Ordinary Families Can Learn about Parenting from Today’s Vocation Stories. I am looking forward to hopefully reading this book soon.


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