All Saints Day Ruminations

When my older children were little, we were very active in our local Catholic homeschool group. Each year, we would have a wonderful All Saints’ Potluck Party for all of the children, young and old. We would all eat and then the children would play various games. Towards the end of the evening the children would play “Guess the Saints”. Each child would get on stage and give three clues as to who they were; the children in the audience would have great fun guessing. We would usually end the evening by processing around the exterior of the church singing songs.
Padre Pio 2005
St. Alice 2005
St. Claire 2005

In 2009, we were blessed to have an All Saints’ party at our then “new” parish. This year, we will be having an All Saints Party at our new (old) parish. We can’t wait. Hopefully, I will have all of the costumes made/altered in time. I like the teaching opportunity and enjoyment that comes with choosing costumes and learning about various saints. We also enjoy celebrating this wonderful feast day with friends.


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