The Blessing of Children

On Saturday, October 28, we had the privilege of witnessing our tenth godchild’s baptism. I was surprised and honored when our godson’s mother called and asked if we would be godparents to their soon to be adopted baby boy. Little did she know that Mikhael would be born one month early and shortly after calling me, she and her husband would be holding their first son, Mikhael Pierre, in their arms. Little did any of us know that Mikhael would be baptized three days after his original due date.

Before the baptism, I was thankful to hear the priest speak about the gift of children. He shared with everyone that parents do their best to contain their children during Mass and to keep them quiet. He commented that we shouldn’t complain about the noise of young children in the church. He said that rather we should be thankful for the noise because the noise of young children means that the church has a future. The priest’s comments reminded me of the holy priest who baptized our oldest daughter telling me that when Joan cried, she was praising God in the only way she knew how.

I pray for purity, holiness, (eternal) happiness for Mikhael and all my children and godchildren each day. I pray that they all become great saints and bring greater glory to God. May God watch over and protect our children that they may one day sing His praises in Heaven.

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