All Saints Daybook

Outside my window…
It is wet and rainy. It is the perfect weather to curl up with a book and read. Board and card games also come in handy on these types of days.

In the kitchen…
Kieran is continuing to eat mashed banana occasionally. He is my first baby to cry for more when the banana is finished. I intend to start giving him: mashed or pureed avocado, apples, butternut squash, carrots, green beans, pears, and sweet potatoes soon.

We are planning on making zucchini bread this week.

I am listening to…
the rain, my baby’s breathing, an airplane flying over our house, and the silence all around me.

I am wearing…

a red nightie.

I am praying for…
My sister and her family
All those who were affected by Hurricane Sandy

Photo copyright Frank Franklin II

I was struck by this photo taken in Breezy Point, NY by a man named Frank Franklin II. I have seen this picture in various places on the web. So often, it seems to me that after a devastating storm, fire, etc., we see a statue of Mary still standing. I cannot help but feel hope when I see such photos.  Mary will always help us. We simply need to remember to ask for her intercession.  In turning to our Blessed Mother, we will be lead to God.

Our Lady of Grace, please pray for us.

I am thankful…
for my husband who takes my children trick or treating each year and for my two eldest daughters who gave candy to the children who came to our door last night.

In the learning rooms…
Brendan enjoyed choir on Tuesday because they played a note recognition game. He wished that his friend, Alex, had been able to come to practice. This son of mine likes to learn anything that is presented in a fun way.

I have pulled Alpha-Phonics off the shelf to try and help one of my children read better. A friend and Montessori teacher recommended this book to me years ago, but this is the first time that I am using it. My child, who needs more reading assistance, balked at my first attempt at remediation. So, I decided that it would be better to try another approach and work with this child’s younger sibling in a manner that would engage the older child. I am writing the lessons on a window with window markers in order to get more than one child’s attention. The first day that I used this book and wrote on the window, my child, who I actually want to help, commented, “You never did that with me.” I think that he might be hooked on doing the lessons with us. Hopefully, they help him.

I am pondering…
“The real means of obtaining what we need from God is to ask Him, not what we wish for, but what He wishes for us.”
~ St. John of the Cross ~
I am reading…

Plans for the rest of the week…
  • All Saints Day Mass
  • All Saints Day party
  • All Souls Day Mass
  • First Saturday Mass
  • I am hoping to stop at a local Catholic bookstore after First Saturday Mass. I have some things that I want to look at and possibly purchase. I need to remember to check our supply of Advent candles beforehand as this will be my last opportunity to purchase candles from this store before Advent begins. 
  • One of the priests from our parish is coming for dinner.

A picture thought…

St. Brigid of Ireland, ?* , St. Dunston
St. Elizabeth of Hungary, King St. Louis IX

A prayer that I like…

Each night, we pray this prayer along with Grace After Meals. Almost every morning, Patrick leads us in this prayer.

V. May the Divine assistance remain always with us.
R. And may the souls of the faithful departed, 
through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. 

I hope that you and your families have a blessed feast day!
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