27 Weeks

Yesterday, I had another ultrasound. My doctor turned on the ultrasound’s 3-D capability at one point, and my husband and I were amazed to see our baby as though he was right there. Baby’s heartbeat was 149 and he weighs 2 lbs 10 oz. I love this little one, but that’s nothing new.
Breech Position
When we got home, the children were in awe, commenting, “Look at the baby’s ear.” “You can see the eyebrows.” “He looks like a boy.” “She looks like a girl.” I find it so much fun to keep the baby’s sex a surprise.

My Jesus mercy. Thy will be done in my life and in my death.

After my doctor finished the ultrasound, he told me that I have gestational diabetes again. My husband and I were not surprised, as I have been feeling kind of funny an hour or two after I eat and/or if I don’t eat for a while. I had also tested my blood sugar levels two hours after breakfast one morning and the reading was high. Hopefully, I can control the blood glucose levels with my diet again. Due to the gestational diabetes, the baby’s stomach is larger than normal. I have another appointment next week, during which time the doctor will “check on the baby” and I will meet with the dietitian.
I am thankful that this baby moves a lot and that my anemia isn’t bad enough to warrant my taking iron supplements.
Thank you to everyone who has emailed and/or told me that they are continuing to pray for baby (and for me).
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