8 Weeks

On Wednesday, I went to my first doctor’s appointment. At the recommendation of a friend and her doctor’s office, I went to see a perinatologist. Seeing the perinatologist included having an ultrasound. This isn’t the first ultrasound that I have had with a tiny little baby (I saw Theresa on ultrasound at 6 weeks); however, it is the first time that I was told so much. I heard this baby’s heartbeating at 174 beats per minute and was told that the baby is 1.67 cm from head to bottom. I also saw the baby’s little legs and arms when the doctor came in and ran the ultrasound again. The picture on the screen was clearer and easier to see than the photo below.

The yolk sac is underneath the baby’s bottom on the left
and the baby’s head is on the right.

Please keep this litttle one in your prayers.

Prayer for St. Catherine of Siena’s Intercession
Humble virgin and Doctor of the Church, in thirty-three years you achieved great perfection and became the counselor of Popes. You know the temptations of mothers today as well as the dangers that await unborn infants. Intercede for me that I may avoid miscarriage and bring forth a healthy baby who will become a true child of God. Also pray for all mothers, that they may not resort to abortion but help bring a new life into the world. Amen.
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