A Girl and Her Dog

A couple of weeks ago, as Elizabeth was petting Heidi, I heard her singing, “Oh doggy, there’s something special between you and me.” (adapted from Charlotte’s Web)

Elizabeth is definitely correct. Although we are still trying to stop Heidi’s biting (it is pretty bad at times), she tends to be very good with Elizabeth. Heidi is getting better about not jumping up on Elizabeth. She also still lets my little girl pull her tail without reacting (I am trying to stop Elizabeth from doing so). Elizabeth doesn’t think twice about putting her food in the dog’s mouth and, when told not to do so, pulling it right back out and putting it in her own mouth (ugh). She also likes sharing her water bottle with Heidi…I do mean sharing.
As a character in a movie that we watched recently said, “The outside of an animal is good for the inside of a child.”
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