A Birthday Wish Catechism Lesson

Patrick (as I was tucking him in bed):  “The best birthday present that I could ever get is to go to Heaven. The only problem is that I would have to die.”
Me:  “Oh, Patrick, I hope that you live a long life so that you can bring glory to God, but remember that death is not something to be afraid of. St. Dominic Savio said, ‘Death, but not sin.’ If you always love God and try your best to be good, then you have nothing to worry about.  If you do make a mistake and commit a sin, then you can go to confession.”
Patrick:  “When can I go to confession?”
Me:  “When you are seven.”
Patrick:  “When I go to confession at Easter time, I will have to feel the walls to find the door because I noticed that the door is hard to see in the wood where we go to Mass then.”
Dear God, please help my loving little boy to become a saint.


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