Why One Should Refrain from Doing Science Experiments in Front of Young Children

Yesterday, after Catherine had finished her Science experiment, I asked her to clean up. As usual, she did so right away. A little while later, I heard some noises in the kitchen and assumed that someone had decided to help me with the dishes. However, when I heard giggling coming from the kitchen, I knew that this was not the case and that I needed to check what was happening. As I entered the kitchen, Patrick scampered out. Finnian remained standing on a stool, happily mixing water and food coloring in the clear bowl that his sister had used earlier. Needless to say, Finnian was not happy to see me bring an end to his Science experiment. As for Patrick, he was happy that I never found him in his typical place of refuge, on his sister’s top bunk, hiding under her comforter. May God bless and watch over my boys!


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