Bernadette’s First Communion

On Sunday, May 20, 2007, Bernadette received her First Communion. She has been longing to receive Jesus for a long time and she was more than ready. Nine days prior to her First Communion, Bernadette started a novena to welcome Jesus, using Welcome Jesus: A First Communion Preparation (although this little booklet does not appear in Catholic Heritage Curricula’s catalog, they still sell it upon request). She made a beautiful garden of red roses, violets, forget-me-nots, lilies of the valley, bluebells, daisies, buttercups, lilies, and pansies in her heart for Our Lord by “being kind to others”, “not getting angry”, “visiting Jesus”, etc. Her heart was overflowing with flowers for Jesus.
During the Mass, Bernadette read the first two Prayers of the Faithful:
“For our Pope Benedict, our Bishop Alexander, the priests, deacons and all the members of God’s family……let us pray to the Lord.”
“For all the children of the world, loved by the Lord Jesus…..let us pray to the Lord.”
The latter prayer was perfect for Bernadette, who is always thinking of others. The night before her First Communion, when we said we were praying our rosary for her, she stated, “Why can’t we pray our rosary for all children who are receiving their First Communion?” We did.
May Jesus continue to bless my little girl

who loves Him with her whole heart!

Thank you to the children’s grandparents for traveling over two hours to celebrate this special day with us. Thank you, Bernadette, for telling me, the amateur cake maker, exactly what you wanted on your cake.

May Jesus bless all the children who have received, or will be receiving, their First Communion this year!


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  1. catholicnursemom on February 2, 2020 at 11:03 pm

    I am just seeing this on a link from Catholic icing about First Holy Communion parties. My Jude receives Jesus for the first time on Sunday. Praying he will be ready. I wish I had that booklet. Sounds so lovely!

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