
Every First Friday, my children and I spend an hour or more, or sometimes a little less in Adoration. The children surprisingly all look forward to First Fridays. We have an Adoration (EWTN) bag that we take with us each time. It includes religious books, coloring books or pages, and crayons. The children are required to pray for the first few minutes and then they may choose to either read or color. We sing songs, depending on the season (Forty Days and Forty Nights was sung today). Sometimes we pray the Rosary. Today, I read the St. Bridget prayers (found at the beginning of the blue Pieta Prayer Booklet) to them and we all said the Our Fathers and Hail Marys together. While I attended to Patrick, Catherine read King of the Golden City to her brother and sisters.

What was Patrick doing? When he wasn’t nursing, he was exploring the confessionals and telling me all about them, “Mama…” When he wasn’t saying “Mama”, he was pointing to the monstrance saying, “Jesus…Jesus…Jesus…”

I always leave Adoration feeling so happy that I spent time with Our Lord. Thank you God for providing us with this wonderful opportunity to adore You!

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