They Miss Us

Late Saturday afternoon, Bernadette called me crying. She said she wanted to come home. My heart was breaking, but I did my best to cheer her up. All I really wanted to do was jump in the car and go get her. It took a lot of prayer to keep me from driving over two hours to pick her up.

Last night, Catherine called and she soon broke down crying. She said that she had had fun swimming, etc., but she just wanted to come home because she missed us. Eventually, I had her speak with Daddy, as I felt he might do a better job calming her down. When she called a little later, I felt my heart being ripped in two as I heard her say, “It’s been really hard not to cry every time I speak with you.” I knew she was having a difficult time because her voice did not sound happy on the phone, but I did not realize how much she just wanted to be home. I guess Dorothy knew what she was talking about when she said, “There’s no place like home.”

I can’t wait to see my girls again today. Please help them to have a safe trip home, dear God. Thank you for blessing our lives with them.

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