Separation Anxiety

Our two oldest daughters are away from us for the first time this weekend (with the exception of when I have had a baby). They are spending the weekend with their grandparents in Ocean Shores. They were very excited to leave yesterday; however, last night they called us approximately 10 times. They called again first thing this morning and several more times already. I don’t know who is having a harder time being separated, Mommy or the girls.

Catherine just called to let us know that her little cousin, Michael, was born three weeks early. Debbie (Michael’s mom) is doing well, despite a c-section. Steve is a proud daddy again. Megan doesn’t quite realize that she has been given the gift of a little brother yet. I pray that God continues to bless the whole family and that Debbie recovers quickly.

Today, the girls called to say that they were awake, but Nanny and Grandpa were still asleep. Then, they called to say that they were going to eat breakfast soon. Next, they called to tell us that they had Lucky Charms and Oatmeal for breakfast (they couldn’t eat the oatmeal, as they were too full). They called again to tell us they were going down to the beach. They called when they got back to the house to tell us they were back, they had picked up a couple of shells and were now playing checkers with Grandpa. As mentioned above, Catherine called to let us know they had a new cousin. Next, they called to tell us that they were getting ready to go to lunch at Galway Bay. Finally, they called to let us know what they had had for lunch ~ potatoes and bacon and cheesecake with strawberry topping for desert. Perhaps, they are simply relating their day, but I miss them.

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