Water Damage (Part 1)

House Repairs

One morning in March, I was woken by one of my sons standing by my bed telling me that the bathroom floor was flooded with dirty toilet water. Before I could get out of bed, Cecilia came upstairs and told me that there was water dripping into the bathroom, her closet, and her bedroom. I…

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A Midsummer Garden


Echinacea ‘Double Scoop Bubblegum’ I couldn’t resist scooping up this beauty when I saw it for a reduced price last month at a local garden store. It seems to be thriving in its new home. Platycodon ‘White’ (Balloon Flower) I planted three balloon flowers several years ago and then transplanted them the next year. This…

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Encouraging Confession


A few weeks ago, a friend asked me how we encourage our children to go to confession. I shared the following with her. I am sharing it here just in case it helps any other mothers. In my family, we make it a habit to go to confession on the First Friday/First Saturday of each…

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Summer Garden


Clementi Barnsley Gertrude Jekyll rose Knock-Out Rose Dianthus Geranium “Rozanne” Planted by the birds Salvia Hydrangea Snapdragon – “Our Lady’s Slippers” Snapdragon – “Our Lady’s Slippers” “Our Lady’s Crown” Peace Rose Celestial Fig Yellow Rose Gaillardia “Our Lady’s Face” Liberty Roses One of the benefits of gardening is having a ready supply of cut flowers…

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Lego Cake

Lego Cake

Cecilia knew exactly what cake she wanted to make for Kieran. The day before his birthday she busied herself making the cake. The finished product took my breath away. Cecilia tells me that the cakes are labors of love for her younger brothers. May God bless her for using her talent to please her brothers!…

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Dinosaur Cake

Dinosaur cake

As our little boy’s birthday approached, I knew that I wanted to make a dinosaur cake for him. However, when it was time to make it, our youngest was extra fussy and wanted to be in my arms. Cecilia readily volunteered to make the cake. I told her what I wanted and she got to…

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The Lamb Suffered for Us

“The Lamb who was slaughtered for the sake of our salvation still thirsts His desire for our salvation is greater than could be shown by His suffering for His suffering is without end, as is His love.” ~ St. Catherine of Siena ~ Catherine of Siena by Sigrid Undset, pp. 188-189

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Wayside Shrine

Prayer is the perfect penance because it unites your heart, mind, and soul with God.  ~ paraphrased (or possibly a direct quote) from a sermon given by Fr. Insco, FSSP

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Words to Remember

Children Praying at a Wayside Shrine

“He will provide the way and the means, such as you could never have imagined. Leave it all to Him, let go of yourself, lose yourself on the cross, and you will find yourself entirely.” ~ St. Catherine of Siena ~ St. Catherine of Siena, pray for us!

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Lent is Just Around the Corner

Our garden is starting to clothe itself in purple, reminding me that Lent starts next week. The appearance of the crocuses also reminds me that it’s time for me to start focusing on cleaning up the garden of my soul and to help my children to want to do the same with their souls. God…

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