I am Six Months Old
My big accomplishments this month are sitting up by myself and scooching on my belly. Mommy thinks that I look like an inchworm when I move across the floor. Catherine commando crawled, before she crawled on hands and knees, but I have found that pulling with my arms, while pushing with one of my legs…
Read MoreWhat has Mommy Done?
Yesterday, my husband called from work and he was truly worried. One of our July birthday girls answered the phone. He asked if he could speak to Mommy. Theresa responded, “She’s not here. She’s getting my birthday present.” Slightly worried, he then asked if he could speak with Catherine, only to receive the same response.…
Read MoreWhat has Mommy Done?
Yesterday, my husband called from work and he was truly worried. One of our July birthday girls answered the phone. He asked if he could speak to Mommy. Theresa responded, “She’s not here. She’s getting my birthday present.” Slightly worried, he then asked if he could speak with Catherine, only to receive the same response.…
Read MoreRide4US
Ride4US raises money to purchase ultrasounds for Care Net Pregnancy Centers and other pro-life centers in Washington by hosting a Ride, Run, Walk and Family Fun Day at Pt. Defiance Park. Last year, Care Net of Pierce County performed 578 1st Trimester ultrasounds on pregnant women in crisis; upon seeing the beginnings of little fingers…
Read MoreRide4US
Ride4US raises money to purchase ultrasounds for Care Net Pregnancy Centers and other pro-life centers in Washington by hosting a Ride, Run, Walk and Family Fun Day at Pt. Defiance Park. Last year, Care Net of Pierce County performed 578 1st Trimester ultrasounds on pregnant women in crisis; upon seeing the beginnings of little fingers…
Read MoreTake a Virtual Tour of Vatican City State
Visit www.vaticanstate.va This website includes photos, history, webcam, and many other points of interest. Enjoy!
Read MoreTake a Virtual Tour of Vatican City State
Visit www.vaticanstate.va This website includes photos, history, webcam, and many other points of interest. Enjoy!
Read MoreThe Priests are Willing
A priest near Seattle has announced that he will be saying a Mass according to the 1962 Missal after September 14. My mother-in-law just called to say that a priest at their parish (over 2 hours away from us) will be doing the same. He asked my mother-in-law if she would help the altar boys…
Read MoreThe Priests are Willing
A priest near Seattle has announced that he will be saying a Mass according to the 1962 Missal after September 14. My mother-in-law just called to say that a priest at their parish (over 2 hours away from us) will be doing the same. He asked my mother-in-law if she would help the altar boys…
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