Busy September Daybook
Outside my window The sun is setting. Planes are flying overhead and the branches of the trees are swaying with the gentle breeze. I am wearing a denim skirt, a brown t-shirt, and a fleur-de-lis flexi clip. In the kitchen I am so thankful to a friend and fellow parishioner who has been giving us…
Read MoreBoard Books
Yesterday, I was inspired by Jen to place a few of our board books in a basket for my little ones. Kieran saw me doing so and he immediately started to help. He carried the basket out to the living room and proceeded to have me read to him. After I was finished reading, and…
Read MoreStory-Killers
HSLDA recommended watching “Story-Killers: How the Common Core Destroys Minds and Souls” a few months ago. My pastor recommended doing so in our parish bulletin yesterday. It is well worth watching.
Read MoreGoodbye Summer Daybook
Outside my window The sun is shining and the leaves are starting to change color. At least, the sun was shining when I started this daybook. Now, the rain is pouring down and I am enjoying sipping on pumpkin spice hot cocoa. We double the cocoa and the milk when we make this. We have…
Read MoreUrgent Prayer Request for Kim
Last night, my friend, Christine emailed me to let me know that our friend, Kim, has really been struggling lately and that it looks like Kim might not live much longer. We are asking Fr. Kenneth Walker to please intercede for Kim. Today, Christine sent the following email to our homeschool group: As you know,…
Read MoreHappy Feast of the Assumption
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
Read MoreWhy Go to High Mass?
We go to High Mass for three main reasons. photo copyright Emily Byrne We go to High Mass because the third commandment is “Remember to keep holy the Lord’s day.” Going to High Mass forces us to keep the Lord’s day holy. High Mass at our parish is the later Mass. We live almost an…
Read MoreSt. Philomena
picture from Catholic Tradition On Friday, a young Catholic lady who is a member of my Lilla Rose team, emailed me, sharing, “Last night when I was praying my St. Philomena novena (my Confirmation saint & sisters) I saw the anchor with her image & was blown away that this month’s flexi is a St.…
Read MoreFrom the Mouth of a Child and more
When my daughters returned from camp, they showed us the Immaculate Heart of Mary wall hangings that they made. Kieran was amazed by them and sat looking at the wall hangings and trying to touch them. All of a sudden, he surprised me by saying, “Mommy, the girls make Mary’s heart. Jesus is happy.” As…
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