Saints for June 2014 Calendar
I apologize for not posting saint pieces for May and for sharing June’s saint pieces so late. Bernadette actually helped me update June’s calendar. Life with 9 children is busy and wonderful. We are so thankful to have another baby in our house. Kilian laughed today and it was as amazing to hear him laugh…
Read MoreThe Best Advice I’ve Received
1 1/2 months A few years ago, my husband and my pastor both gave me advice that I hope I won’t ever forget. I was volunteering for various organizations and, due to comments from others, thinking that I was doing great things. My husband did not feel this way. He asked me if I could…
Read MoreLilla Rose: Pretty Hair Accessories
Celtic Knot (size medium) At the beginning of the month, I purchased some flexi-clips for my daughters and me from one of Elisa’s friends. I have been thinking about buying a flexi-clip from Lilla Rose for a while; however, having not actually seen the product, I was hesitant about doing so. I am thankful that I…
Read MoreFinnian’s First Holy Communion
Ready to leave for Mass During the weeks leading up to Finnian’s First Holy Communion, he was bubbling over with excitement. On Mother’s Day, he came to me and said, “Happy Mother’s Day to you, Mommy, and happy quizzing day to me.” Fr. S. and Fr. V. were going to be quizzing the First Commumion…
Read MoreHappy Easter
This is a rambling post of my tired memories and thoughts from this weekend. God is good! Holy Thursday My family and I are blessed to belong to an FSSP parish. Good Friday The Triduum Masses and Good Friday service are incredibly rich. Good Friday The Easter Vigil often brings tears to my eyes. Everything…
Read MoreLenten Daybook
Outside my window, the sky is blue. “The sun is shining. The tank is clean.” “The tank is clean!”” Theresa cleaned Brendan’s fish tank for him and I just couldn’t help quoting from Finding Nemo. The children want to be outside, especially Kieran. Mr. Mischief In the kitchen Theresa keeps asking me when we are going to…
Read MoreSaints for April 2014 Calendar
I apologize for not posting this earlier, but we have been busy. 🙂 I hope that everyone is having a blessed and fruitful Lent. April 2014 Saint Pieces As usual, this month’s pieces were made using the calendar published by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter as a guide. If I have made any errors,…
Read MoreSaint Patrick
It was a dark night of storm and wind, but the people in the little farm on the western coast of Scotland were accustomed to stormy winds and the sound of breakers dashing upon the rocky shore, and they paid little heed to the wintry weather. They were all tired out with their day’s work,…
Read MoreWordless Wednesday: So in Love
Eight Days Old
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