Advent, Christmas and Winter Feast Day Books
One of the things that I like about this time of year is snuggling up with my children and reading picture books. A few years ago, I shared a list of picture books that we like to read during December and January. Below is an updated (and hopefully better organized) list. Advent Books: Annika’s Secret…
Read MoreQuiet Time
Laura Berquist once mentioned at a Northwest Catholic Family Education Conference that spending time in Adoration before God was vital to her homeschooling success. I think that I understand what she meant. I need quiet times with God to kneel and adore Him, or simply pour my heart out to Him.
Read MoreTesting Vocabulary Patrick Style
Patrick: “Mommy, can you please help me clean my room tomorrow morning.” Me: “Yes.” Patrick: “Good because otherwise I might get ‘roomatism’.” Me: “I don’t think so.” Patrick: “What is rheumatism?” Me: “I think its when you have sore bones.” Patrick: “Yes, if you don’t help me clean my room, then I will have rheumatism…
Read MoreWhen It Rains
Yesterday, my older sister called. During our conversation, she commented, “I remember Mommy saying, ‘When it rains, it pours.’” I couldn’t help but respond, “I think it’s pouring, but I have so much for which to be thankful.” Thank you, God, for everything.
Read MoreTimely Advice
On Sunday, October 9, my pastor gave me some very timely advice in the confessional. He told me to share the advice with my husband which I obediently did, telling him, “Fr. Saguto told me that I should take some time for myself.” Little did any of us know that my pastor’s advice would be…
Read MoreMelt My Heart
Out of necessity, my husband spent the last few days at home helping with the children. This morning, he returned to work. When Elizabeth woke up, she asked me, “Is Daddy home?” I replied, “No, sweetie, he went to work.” Her response melted my heart, “But I need him.”
Read More9 Weeks
I intended to share the photo below last week, but we have been busy. Last week, my doctor did another ultrasound and I was amazed to see how much this baby had grown in one week. This little one was moving all over the place and the head, arms, and little legs were very obvious.…
Read More8 Weeks
On Wednesday, I went to my first doctor’s appointment. At the recommendation of a friend and her doctor’s office, I went to see a perinatologist. Seeing the perinatologist included having an ultrasound. This isn’t the first ultrasound that I have had with a tiny little baby (I saw Theresa on ultrasound at 6 weeks); however,…
Read MoreA Girl and Her Dog
A couple of weeks ago, as Elizabeth was petting Heidi, I heard her singing, “Oh doggy, there’s something special between you and me.” (adapted from Charlotte’s Web) Elizabeth is definitely correct. Although we are still trying to stop Heidi’s biting (it is pretty bad at times), she tends to be very good with Elizabeth. Heidi is getting better about…
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