Lighting of the Easter Candle
I am happy to be able to watch the lighting of the Easter Candle at our parish. My two youngest children fell asleep before Mass began, so I stayed inside with them during the lighting of the Candle.
Read MoreEaster Week Daybook
Outside my window The sun is coming up. I am thinking about and praying for a friend whose husband is in Afghanistan for a year. She has three young boys and a newborn baby girl. I am thankful for the Triduum Masses at our parish. Words cannot describe the beauty of these Masses. A priest…
Read More{pretty, happy, funny, real} ~ Holy Week Edition
~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life ~ {pretty} When I look outside my window and see these English Daisies, I think that they look pretty. However, looking at this photo makes me realize that I have some weeding/grass removal to do in my flower beds. {happy} My boys are always happy when…
Read MoreHoly Week Daybook
Outside my window There are patches of blue sky peeking out from behind the clouds. I am thinking about one of my favorite quotes from St. Francis de Sales: “Kiss frequently the crosses which the Lord sends you, and with all your heart, without regarding of what sort they may be; for the more vile…
Read MoreMorning Inspiration
My godmother, Aunt Alice, sent this video to me this morning. I am thankful to have watched it again. As my Aunt Alice said, “May the message spread and touch many hearts!”
Read MoreA Passion Week Daybook
FOR TODAY Outside my window it is dark. I am thinking about this prayer that I read: My suffering and crucified King, can I expect an easy life when You lived such a hard one? No. I want to be like You as far as I am able in this earthly life of mine. Let…
Read MoreThe Things I Find on My Camera
Photo taken by Brendan
Read MoreEarly Morning Theological Discussion
Finnian: “I wish that people didn’t die in the army. I wish that Adam and Eve hadn’t sinned because then people wouldn’t die.” Patrick: “Finnian, people don’t die, unless they go to hell.”
Read MorePysanky Tip
“I’ve been making Pysanky since I was 12 — it can be a very spiritual tradition, gathering around the candle and thinking of the symbols and colors and their meanings. If you melt the wax with a candle flame, the flame has to be very tall: 1 1/2″ or more. The egg passes through the…
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