2009 Read Alouds
My husband read all of the books below to our children, save for the last one. I read that one for our First Communicant in the spring. The Small War of Sergeant Donkey by Mary Daly Big John’s Secret (Living History Library) by Eleanore M. Jewett The Lost Baron by Allen French Blood Red Crescent Henry…
Read MoreOut of the Mouth of a Child
Theresa: “Mommy, you look like you have a lot of tinsel in your hair.” Me: “Yes, I will be totally gray by the time I’m 40.”
Read MorePregnancy Thank You
Thank you to everyone for your comments and congratulations on my pregnancy. My family and I really appreciate it. I pray that all of you have a blessed 2010!
Read MoreHappy New Year News!
I pray that everyone has a blessed New Year! We are looking forward to being a family of 10 (or 11 if the children’s prayers are answered) in 2010! O Lord Jesus Christ, through the intercession of Your tender Mother, Our Lady of La Leche, who bore You close to her heart during those long…
Read MoreChristmas Guest and Zoolights
We were blessed to have my brother-in-law, Steve, spend a few days before and after Christmas with us. On the evening of the 22nd, he helped us decorate our Christmas tree. On the 23rd, he left our house to go and spend Christmas with my father-in-law, who was celebrating his first Christmas in 49 years without…
Read More2009 Personal Reading
The books that I read in 2009 were: Dressing with Dignity by Colleen Hammond Grace Cafe Serving Up Recipes for Faithful Mothering by Donna Marie Cooper-O’Boyle Haystack Full of Needles, A Catholic Home Educator’s Guide to Socialization by Alice Gunther Managers of their homes: A practical guide to daily scheduling for Christian home-school families by…
Read MoreGingerbread House
As mentioned previously, on December 23, Marcie and Laura gave my children a gingerbread house kit. The children spent many enjoyable hours on December 24 making and decorating it. I thought that they did a wonderful job, working together and succeeded in building a beautiful gingerbread house.
Read MoreSharing the Joy of Giving
We usually give our children a main gift, an item of needed clothing (underwear, socks, etc.), a book, and a few inexpensive stocking stuffers for Christmas; however, this year was very different. On December 23, two very caring women (Marcie and Laura), with whom my husband used to work, arrived at our door with a bunch of presents…
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