Glory Stories and Homilies
We have been listening to Glory Stories since Patrick was a baby, possibly even a few years earlier. As we drove to my parent’s house after Mass one Saturday, we heard the story Treasure in Heaven: The Story of Saint Katherine Drexel on Sacred Heart Radio and we knew we had to buy theses CDs (each…
Read MoreHe Didn’t do it Without Compliance
Last night, I heard Finnian crying and went to see what was wrong. I found him tied to a parking meter piggy bank in his room. His brothers were trying to untie him. He turned to me and cried, “Patrick tied me up.” All I could think was, “He didn’t do it without compliance from…
Read MoreApology Accepted
Daddy: “Finnian, apologize to Mommy for what you did.” Finnian (in the sweetest voice): “I forgive you, Mommy.”
Read MoreAll Saints Day Party Games
Two games that I have not seen mentioned elsewhere are Practice the Virtues like the Saints Race and Find the Keys for St. Peter. Both games are not my original ideas. Practice the Works of Mercy like the Saints Race requires cards for various saints placed around a table. Each card has instructions, manipulatives, and sometimes pictures…
Read MorePromoting Reading for Boys (and Girls)
Recently, a friend asked me how I got my oldest son to progress past short books. The key to my son reading chapter books was involving Dad in read alouds and finding books that grabbed my son’s interest. Some of the books that Brendan really liked listening to his father read are: The Matchlock Gun by Walter…
Read MoreWhere Did the Time Go?
Our little princess is already one. I still remember how she surprised me with her slightly early entrance into this world and how thankful I was to be holding another baby in my arms. Her early days, weeks, and months seemed like such a dream. She was so quiet and peaceful, falling asleep every night around 8. …
Read MoreSaving the Old
I decided to update my header with more recent photos, but I don’t want to lose this one.
Read More1000 Gifts
I had wanted to share these on Monday, but I never got around to doing so. Gifts #18-30 I am thankful for: 18. the Catholic Church 19. children who love each other. 20. a pastor who visits his parishioners. 21. homeschooling. 22. an upcoming All Saints Day Party. 23. the wonderful ideas that Jessica has…
Read MorePrayer Request
Please pray for a friend’s son that he is safe and that he contacts his family soon. Thank you.
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