The Walls are Broken Down and I am on my Knees
It’s been a hard week. By the time yesterday rolled around, I was ready to hold up a white flag. As I worked on lesson plans, Finnian scattered flour all over the kitchen, the dining room, the hallway, and some of his siblings. No one said a thing. I knew something was wrong, when I…
Read MoreIt’s All About Charlotte
Finnian: “Mommy, I like going to Mass. I like going to the potluck and I like playing on the playground.” Me: “I am happy that you like going to Mass…” Finnian (before I could finish): “I get to play with Charlotte.” Hopefully, in a year or two, it will be all about loving God.
Read MoreNorth American Martyrs: Solemn High Mass with Archbishop Brunett
This Solemn High Mass celebrated North American Martyrs’ first patronal feast. Archbishop Brunett assisted with the Mass from the throne, a ceremony not seen in the Archdiocese of Seattle for over 40 years. The celebrant, Fr. Gerard Saguto, FSSP, was assisted by Fraternity of St. Peter priests Fr. Erik Deprey and Fr. Dan Geddes from Vancouver,…
Read MoreRepentance
Yesterday morning, Finnian’s first words were, “I love Daddy, too.” Throughout the day, he kept telling me, “I love you.” and “You’re my best friend.” I wondered whether he was trying to make up for Monday.
Read MoreSay What?
Yesterday, a statue fell on Brendan’s head, making a small, but wide cut. Two hours later, it was still bleeding, so I called the doctor’s office and spoke with the nurse telling her about the cut. She told me to bring Brendan in to the office at noon. I did so, leaving all of the other children, except Elizabeth,…
Read MoreThankfulness
Continuing with last week’s post, I am thankful: for the breathtaking Mass my family and I went to on Friday evening at North American Martyrs. Photos can be seen here and an article can be found here. Archbishop Brunett, four FSSP priests, and two diocesan priests helped Fr. Saguto, FSSP celebrate the Mass. Eighteen boys and young…
Read MoreI Miss Her
Sometimes, I find myself wishing that my mom was still here. She was a truly amazing Mother. I often think about her and wish that I could ask her how she disciplined my siblings and me. I know that this might sound odd, but her form of discipline was completely different from anything I have witnessed…
Read MoreGratitude
I am accepting Meredith’s challenge. Gratitude Community Thank you God for: a loving and understanding husband. a little girl who is just starting to walk. As we prayed the Rosary on September 16, she took one step and then four more. She has taken a total of six steps without falling. It is fun to…
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