Washington State March for Life
January 20, 2009 This year’s March was truly incredible with at least 7000 people in attendance.
Read MoreThe Miracle of Life
This video, from Catholic Media House, is worth watching and sharing with others.
Read More42 Days Until the Next 40 Days for Life
The message below is from the Lent 2009 Tacoma 40 Days for Life Coordinator. Are you getting ready for the 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil? It’s only 42 days away! We’d like to really fill the sidewalk this vigil, so we’re asking for your help. Before I go any further, I’d like to heartily…
Read MoreLearning from a Pro
On Sunday, as I stood in the vestibule with my two youngest, Finnian decided to start running around. I was tired and did not feel like I could handle my little boy’s energy. However, a mother of 11 children could. She sat down to nurse her one-year-old daughter, asked my little boy to sit next…
Read MoreThe Excitement,
The joy…It’s official Elizabeth can roll onto her tummy. She did so twice, today. The first time was when I put her down for her morning nap. I placed Elizabeth on her back, turned around, and when I looked at her again, she was on her tummy. The second time came this afternoon. I placed…
Read MoreTeach Your Children How to Manage Their Money
This Christmas, I was excited to learn that a friend of ours was instrumental in helping to found Family Mint I just signed up for an account and I am impressed. Family Mint promises to be a great tool for teaching my children how to manage their money.
Read MoreStunned
My husband gave me another Christmas gift, today. In November, my laptop screen started displaying horizontal red and blue lines. Well, today, a reconditioned (like new) Thinkpad arrived in the mail. My husband is so sweet. I had no idea that he had ordered it for me. I am feeling a little guilty because I…
Read MoreUpdate on my Mother-In-Law
Thank you to everyone who has been praying for my mother-in-law. The doctors determined that she had had a heart attack, not a stroke. She returned home briefly and was scheduled to travel to a hospital in Seattle in January; however, she was readmitted to the hospital today, as she was not doing well. Please…
Read MoreSpeaking about Wall-E
Finnian: “I want to watch E-va.”
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