Please pray for my friend Karen
Her daughter emailed my eldest the following: Mom just had a miscarriage and had to go to the hospital in Bremerton and in Silverdale and had to get 3 units of blood. It started on Sunday and ended on Tuesday. Everything is fine but Mom will have to rest for 6 weeks. The baby’s name…
Read MorePlease pray for my friend Karen
Her daughter emailed my eldest the following: Mom just had a miscarriage and had to go to the hospital in Bremerton and in Silverdale and had to get 3 units of blood. It started on Sunday and ended on Tuesday. Everything is fine but Mom will have to rest for 6 weeks. The baby’s name…
Read More40 Days for Life
Have you signed up to participate in 40 Days for Life? It began today, Wednesday, September 24. If you are wondering how you can participate, please watch this video.
Read MorePlease help 4US raise money for babies and their mothers
Thank you to everyone who has registered to participate in and/or made a donation to 4US. As many of you know, 4US is raising money to purchase ultrasound machines for Care Net in Puyallup, and Life Choices in King County and Yakima. The event takes place this Saturday, September 20. 4US has raised almost $36,000.…
Read MoreWhy One Should Refrain from Doing Science Experiments in Front of Young Children
Yesterday, after Catherine had finished her Science experiment, I asked her to clean up. As usual, she did so right away. A little while later, I heard some noises in the kitchen and assumed that someone had decided to help me with the dishes. However, when I heard giggling coming from the kitchen, I knew…
Read MoreCatholic Vote
Catholic VoteHT: Totus Tuus Family and Catholic Homeschool
Read MoreContinuing Our Impossible Challenge
When you outgrow the space in your home, sometimes the only option left is to grow up. With this in mind, my husband and a friend installed cabinets above a large desk and more cabinets in our kitchen this summer. I am thrilled as I finally have a place upstairs in which to store many…
Read MoreSmart Martha Comes to Tacoma
Tami Kiser, Smart Martha, will give a seminar in Tacoma, WA on September 27 from 9:00 to 2:30. Smart Martha Seminars are designed for “busy mothers seeking to live out their vocation as God has called them in today’s busy society. Smart Martha Seminars are the result of many years of studying the great home…
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