We Spent a Few Days at the Ocean
Walking to the Beach Playing with the Sand Father and Son You Found Me Hiding Waiting for a Wave It’s Going to Get Me The Water is all Around Us, Daddy More to come…maybe.
Read MoreBrother Grizzly Bears Playing
I intended to share this video a couple of months ago, but we have been very busy. The bears at Woodland Park Zoo were a favorite with many people, including my children and my nieces (girls are predominant in my family). The grizzly bears seemed to be more active than usual. Finnian enjoys watching our…
Read MoreAmazon Beta Widget Testing
Last night, I decided to add a Beta widget from Amazon’s associate program. This morning I was surprised to see how many links my posts have to Amazon products. One thing that would make this widget better would be coding it to ignore phrases and words that are not capitalized (excluding the two and three…
Read MoreThe Humility of Pregnancy
My children and I are trying our best to go to daily Mass. When we are able to do so, I feel that I have given my children “the best”. However, giving my children the best sometimes comes with a price when I am pregnant and have a toddler who feels that the church is…
Read MoreDiscerning Curriculum for 2008-2009
Catherine: Continue to use Seton (fully enrolled) Bernadette: Still praying Brendan: Religion: Seton’s Religion 3 FYC and St. Joseph First Communion Catechism (review), plus daily Mass, hands-on projects, and celebrating feasts throughout the liturgical year Math: Calculadders and Math 3 FYC Language Arts: English 3 FYC, Stories with a View, Handwriting 3 FYC, and reading…
Read MoreRefrigerator Alliteration
Me: “Patrick, please close the refrigerator.” Patrick: “But I am feasting on feta.” Me: “Patrick, please get out of the refrigerator.” Patrick: “I am munching on meat.”
Read MoreZelie and Louis Martin
Maureen shared the following in the comments and I thought that it was such wonderful news that I had to share it as a regular post: Cardinal Saraiva Martins is to announce the date and place of the beatification ceremony for Ven. Zelie and Louis in France on July 12 or 13. For videos about…
Read MoreChildren’s Music
Ever since I can remember, my children have referred to classical music as “children’s music”. They will invariably ask to listen to children’s music when we are driving somewhere. Recently, as I took my two eldest to a birthday party, Patrick exclaimed, “Mommy, I really like this children’s music. Can we listen to it again?”…
Read MoreHappy 4th of July
In addition to our usual celebrations, we will be reading The Fourth of July Story by Alice Dalgliesh today.
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