Please Pray for Danny Betz
He was burnt, last Saturday, while starting a bonfire for a family get together. Updates on how he is doing can be found at Please keep his parents and 10 siblings in your prayers, too.
Read MoreBerceuse by Arthur Frackenpohl
June 16, 2008
Read MoreMinuet in F Major, K2 by Mozart
June 16, 2008
Read MoreThe Month of June
In honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I am trying to focus on the quote below this month: “If you would put His benevolence under obligation to take special care of you, abandon yourself entirely to His Adorable Heart, putting aside your own interests, in order to devote yourself wholeheartedly and lovingly to the…
Read MorePlease Pray for Jonathan Stevenson
I used to tutor for Jonathan’s brother, Kolbe. The following information was sent to our homeschool group. He hit a tree while riding a motorcycle and fractured his skull and one arm. He has fractured cheek bones and swelling and bleeding in the head. He did not puncture a lung as earlier thought. The doctors…
Read MoreThe Way She Thinks
Theresa: “I have decided that I want to do Ballet again next year.” Bernadette: “Oh, now that the show is over, have you decided that you like it.” Theresa: “No, I just want to collect as many different costumes as I can.”
Read MoreFrom the Mouth of a Child
Recently, Patrick attended his sisters’ dress rehearsal for Ballet with me. The lead was played by, Julianna, the older sister of my daughters’ friends. When the prince came on stage, Patrick, my very masculine little boy, turned to me and in a disgusted voice stated, “Mommy, that man with Julianna is wearing sticky pants with…
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