Saint Claude de la Colombiere

I found this little gem, The Spiritual Direction of Saint Claude de la Colombiere, at the library. It fits nicely with two books that I read last year, The Autobiography of Saint Margaret Mary and Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence: The Secret to Peace and Happiness. Saint Claude de la Colombiere had some wonderful insights…

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Our 2006 Read Alouds

Below are most of the chapter type books that we read aloud in 2006. I will be starting a list of our 2007 read alouds in the sidebar. Our other reading logs for 2006 can be found by following these links: My 2006 Reading, Library Picture Books, Cat’s 2006 Reading, Ber’s 2006 Reading. Devotional Stories…

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Library Picture Books

Throughout the year, we read and look at a lot of picture books. Most of them come from our home library. A few of them come from the county library. Below are the picture books that we have checked out from the county library this year. I have to admit that we have since purchased…

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I was tagged by Lynn, at the inspirational blog Life is Beauty, five days ago. I guess it’s time for me to share, BookMeMe style. 1. ONE BOOK THAT CHANGED YOUR LIFE: True Devotion to Mary by St. Louis De Montfort. 2. ONE BOOK THAT YOU’VE READ MORE THAN ONCE: How to Raise Good Catholic…

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Ber’s 2006 Reading

The Adventures of Tintin: The Castafiore Emerald, by HergeThe Adventures of Tintin: The Red Sea Sharks, by HergeAway Goes Sally, by Elizabeth CoatsworthBeyond the Heather Hills, by Melissa WileyThe Black River Pirates: A Peter and Polly Story, by Don ClarkB is for Betsy, by Carolyn HaywoodThe Borrowers, by Mary NortonThe Borrowers Afloat, by Mary NortonThe…

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Ber’s 2006 Reading

The Adventures of Tintin: The Castafiore Emerald, by HergeThe Adventures of Tintin: The Red Sea Sharks, by HergeAway Goes Sally, by Elizabeth CoatsworthBeyond the Heather Hills, by Melissa WileyThe Black River Pirates: A Peter and Polly Story, by Don ClarkB is for Betsy, by Carolyn HaywoodThe Borrowers, by Mary NortonThe Borrowers Afloat, by Mary NortonThe…

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Cat’s 2006 Reading

The Adventures of Tintin: The Blue Lotus, by HergeThe Adventures of Tintin: The Castafiore Emerald, by HergeThe Adventures of Tintin: The Red Sea Sharks, by HergeAugustine Came to Kent, by Barbara WillardAway Goes Sally, by Elizabeth CoatsworthB is for Betsy, by Carolyn HaywoodThe Bobbsey Twins at Mystery Mansion, by Laura Lee HopeThe Bobbsey Twins: The…

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Cat’s 2006 Reading

The Adventures of Tintin: The Blue Lotus, by HergeThe Adventures of Tintin: The Castafiore Emerald, by HergeThe Adventures of Tintin: The Red Sea Sharks, by HergeAugustine Came to Kent, by Barbara WillardAway Goes Sally, by Elizabeth CoatsworthB is for Betsy, by Carolyn HaywoodThe Bobbsey Twins at Mystery Mansion, by Laura Lee HopeThe Bobbsey Twins: The…

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My 2006 Reading

I have decided to change my 2006 reading list to a post; rather than keeping it in the sidebar. I am hoping that doing so will help me to keep better track of what I am reading (I know that I have missed a few titles). I will eventually be changing my children’s reading logs…

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My 2006 Reading

I have decided to change my 2006 reading list to a post; rather than keeping it in the sidebar. I am hoping that doing so will help me to keep better track of what I am reading (I know that I have missed a few titles). I will eventually be changing my children’s reading logs…

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Today, during my daughter’s Ballet class, I began reading G.K. Chesterton’s, The Everlasting Man (published by Ignatius Press). The thesis of this great work is that those who say that Christ stands side by side with similar myths, and his religion side by side with similar religions, are only repeating a very stale formula contradicted…

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Today, during my daughter’s Ballet class, I began reading G.K. Chesterton’s, The Everlasting Man (published by Ignatius Press). The thesis of this great work is that those who say that Christ stands side by side with similar myths, and his religion side by side with similar religions, are only repeating a very stale formula contradicted…

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