The Wheels are Continuing to Turn

Last night, as I ironed, Finnian sat on a chair and chatted away and occasionally asked a question. Finnian: “Mommy, when we die are we completely dead?” Me: “No, our souls go to Heaven if we’ve been good.” Finnian: “Oh, if we go to Heaven, then we can live with Jesus forever! Fr. Saguto is…

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Kissing it Better

A couple of nights ago, when Elizabeth asked me to read to her, I responded, “Sweetie, Mommy can’t read to you because she has a very bad headache.” Elizabeth replied, “Mommy, I kiss it better.” She proceeded to kiss my forehead in several places and then said, “It better.” A few minutes later, she requested,…

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Who Will Protect Her?

A few nights ago, Catherine brought Elizabeth into my bedroom, saying, “Elizabeth is scared.” I took her in my arms and the following conversation took place: Me:  “You don’t need to be scared. Mommy will protect you.” Elizabeth: “No!” Me: “Daddy’s here. He can protect you, too.” Elizabeth (a little louder): “No! Jesus protect me.”

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Our Lady’s Knights

Our youngest sons were delighted to receive these costumes for Christmas (the paper crowns were not included). Finnian has stated more than once, “I am a Knight of Glory.” I call them “Our Lady’s Knights”. Both boys have only taken off their costumes to go to Mass, eat, and sleep. I enjoy seeing them dressed up and…

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The Things He Says

Finnian:  “Mommy, for my birthday, I want my friends to come over and watch a movie and spend the night.  That is what they did for Catherine’s birthday.  Do you approve it?” Finnian:  “Mommy, you can’t buy your birthday presents because then you will know what you are getting.  Daddy will have to go and…

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Mary Poppins

Catherine and Bernadette went to a friend’s costume party tonight. Catherine dressed up as Mary Poppins.  She called a few minutes ago to say that they were on their way home. I asked Theresa, “Did Catherine say whether or not they had a good time?” Theresa responded, “I didn’t have to ask. I know that…

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My Little Boy

Me:  “Good night, my little man.  I love you!” Finnian:  “I am not a little man.  I am a little boy, but you can call me your little man if you want.”

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The Fruit of Aging

Theresa: “Mommy, I was looking at photos of you after you had Brendan and you used to be so thin.” Theresa: “Mommy, you used to look pretty.  You had pure black hair and young skin.” Humility

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Sweetly Important

Last week, as the children were riding their bikes, Finnian walked over to me and the following conversation took place. Finnian: “Mommy, I need to talk to you about something.” Me: “What do you need to talk to me about?” Finnian: “Well, I need to tell you something.” Me: “What do you need to tell…

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A Birthday Wish Catechism Lesson

Patrick (as I was tucking him in bed):  “The best birthday present that I could ever get is to go to Heaven. The only problem is that I would have to die.” Me:  “Oh, Patrick, I hope that you live a long life so that you can bring glory to God, but remember that death…

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