
Patrick: “Mommy, Brendan…” Me: “Please tell Brendan to come and see me.” Patrick (overheard in the living room): “Brendan, God really doesn’t like your attitude right now.”

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Finnian: “I hungry or thirsty.” Me: “Would you like some water to drink.” Finnian: “No, I hungry.” Me: “Do you want a banana.” Finnian: “No, I hungry for a fruit snack.”

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As I was teaching the children the other day, my youngest son wandered in and stated, “I don’t have nothing. I don’t have nothing Mommy. I don’t have nothing behind my back.” He had a screwdriver behind his back, but he was being honest because he used a double negative.

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What Constitutes an Emergency?

Patrick: “Mommy, Mommy, it’s an emergency! It’s an emergency!” Mommy (heading to the kitchen to see): “What’s wrong?” Patrick: “Daddy’s been taking some of the goldfish to work.”

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Good Night

Daddy (to the older children): “Good night, sleep tight, see that the bed bugs don’t bite.” Finnian: “Good night bugs. Don’t bite me.” Mommy: “The bugs won’t bite you.” Daddy: “The bugs won’t bite you, but the hippopotamus might.” Finnian: “Good night bugs. Bugs won’t bite me. Good night hippopotamus. Hippopotamus won’t bite me. Good…

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Brendan:  “Do you like it when Patrick’s helping you?” Daddy:  “Yes, Brendan, I do.” Patrick:  “Because I’m not into mischief.”

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As we were making dinner the other night, Catherine said to me, “Mommy, I learn more from reading books than I do from anything else.”

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Last night, towards the end of Mass, Patrick stood on the pew, placed one hand on my shoulder and the other on the pew. Then he whispered, “Watch!” I envisioned Patrick jumping off of the pew and so I responded, “Patrick, get down.” He repeated, “Watch!” I envisioned Patrick cutting his lip or biting his…

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Boys Can Say the Sweetest Things

As I paid for some groceries at Safeway today, Patrick climbed out of the car cart, came up to me, hugged my leg, and said, “I love you, Mommy!” During dinner, I went around the table and told each child that I loved them. When I was finished, Patrick said, “And Daddy, too!” I responded,…

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Boys Can Say the Sweetest Things

As I paid for some groceries at Safeway today, Patrick climbed out of the car cart, came up to me, hugged my leg, and said, “I love you, Mommy!” During dinner, I went around the table and told each child that I loved them. When I was finished, Patrick said, “And Daddy, too!” I responded,…

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Like a What?

This morning, Patrick poured shredded cheese all over the kitchen floor. When I told him to please pick it all up, he responded, “No, I will eat it like a dog.” He promptly got down on the floor and started to lick the cheese up. Oh, my little boy is always throwing me a curve…

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