A Week In the Life of Patrick

Now that I have a baby brother, I need to figure out how to get more attention. Oh look, there are scissors on the end table. Yesterday, I saw Brendan cutting the brown leaves off of a plant with scissors. I will cut the green leaves off of the plant. Hmmm, Mommy threw away all…

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Father and Son

Below is a conversation that my husband and our son had a couple of nights ago (February 6). Brendan: Are you glad that you’re not a bad guy? Daddy: Yes, Brendan, I’m glad. Brendan: I am, too.

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Patrick Concerning his Brother

Upon waking, the first morning that Mommy and Finnian were home from the hospital:“I want to see my brother.” In response to my rhetorical question to Finnian:Me: “What’s that noise you’re making.”Patrick: “It’s a baby noise, Mommy.”

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Things I Heard

I know this is a little late, but on Thanksgiving day I heard two things that I thought were cute. Upon seeing the dining room table, Patrick said, “Oh, turkey lurkeys on the table.” Theresa watched me as I rolled L’il Smokies in crescent rolls. All of a sudden, she said, “Mommy that’s what Samuel…

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