Summer Daybook

Outside my window… The sky is blue and the sun is shining. We have been having a beautiful summer. (I began writing this a couple of days ago and today is actually cloudy for the first time in a long time.) Godetia and Geranium ‘Rozanne’ In the kitchen… Ice cream has been on our menu…

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Eastertide Daybook

I hope that everyone had a joyous and blessed Easter. Outside my window… The sky is blue and it is supposed to be another beautiful day. I think that it was in the 70s on Easter Sunday.   We are on Easter vacation this week and thoroughly enjoying the beautiful weather. In the kitchen… Catherine…

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Pre-Lent Daybook

Outside my window… It is still dark, but I can hear planes flying over our house. In the kitchen… I am thinking about what I should make for dinner tonight. I am listening to… the sound of Kieran breathing as he lies next to me. I am so thankful to God for our little boy.…

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Advent Daybook

Outside my window… The ground is white. The children are excited that it snowed last night and they are hoping that it snows more. In the kitchen… Theresa has been baking a lot of cookies. Today, we are hoping to make some applesauce and cinnamon ornaments. I had intended to make them with the children…

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All Saints Daybook

Outside my window… It is wet and rainy. It is the perfect weather to curl up with a book and read. Board and card games also come in handy on these types of days. In the kitchen… Kieran is continuing to eat mashed banana occasionally. He is my first baby to cry for more when…

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Rambling Daybook

Outside my window… The leaves are ablaze in all their splendor. I enjoy seeing the various shades of reds, oranges, yellows,  browns, and greens as I walk around my neighborhood and/or drive the children to their extra-curricular activities. I am listening to… Kieran play with his Gund caterpillar. My parents-in-law gave this to Bernadette years…

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Rainy Day Daybook

Outside my window… I hear the pitter patter of the rain on the roof. As I ran errands yesterday afternoon, I noticed the beautiful colors of the fall leaves. God is good. I am listening to… my baby’s breathing, the rain coming down, and the fan on my laptop. I don’t know why the latter…

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Fall Daybook

Outside my window… It is dark and foggy, but I know that it is supposed to be a sunny day.  I am listening to… the sound of silence all around me. The children are all still sleeping. I am wearing… my pajamas. Later today, I will be wearing a skirt, a sweater, these shoes, and…

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Easter Week Daybook

Outside my window  The sun is coming up. I am thinking about  and praying for a friend whose husband is in Afghanistan for a year. She has three young boys and a newborn baby girl. I am thankful for  the Triduum Masses at our parish. Words cannot describe the beauty of these Masses. A priest…

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Holy Week Daybook

Outside my window  There are patches of blue sky peeking out from behind the clouds. I am thinking about  one of my favorite quotes from St. Francis de Sales: “Kiss frequently the crosses which the Lord sends you, and with all your heart, without regarding of what sort they may be; for the more vile…

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A Passion Week Daybook

FOR TODAY Outside my window it is dark. I am thinking about this prayer that I read: My suffering and crucified King, can I expect an easy life when You lived such a hard one? No. I want to be like You as far as I am able in this earthly life of mine. Let…

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