God alone Suffices

“Somehow, then, God must contrive to break through those routines of ours and remind us once again, like Israel, that we are ultimately dependent only upon Him, that He has made us and destined us for life with Him through all eternity, that the things of this world and this world itself are not our…

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Accepting God’s Will


“One great means of preserving a constant peace and tranquillity of heart is to receive all things as coming from the hands of God, whatever they may be, and in whatever way they may come.” ~ St. Dorotheus ~

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The Blessing of Children

Mikhael's Baptism

On Saturday, October 28, we had the privilege of witnessing our tenth godchild’s baptism. I was surprised and honored when our godson’s mother called and asked if we would be godparents to their soon to be adopted baby boy. Little did she know that Mikhael would be born one month early and shortly after calling…

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Encouraging Confession


A few weeks ago, a friend asked me how we encourage our children to go to confession. I shared the following with her. I am sharing it here just in case it helps any other mothers. In my family, we make it a habit to go to confession on the First Friday/First Saturday of each…

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Advice from My Mom

Growing up, my mom shared a lot of her wisdom with my brother and sisters and me. One of the best pieces of advice that she gave us came when my sisters and I were fighting. Like all children, we would sometimes tattle on each other. My mom would remind us that there are two…

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Faith, Hope, and Charity

Our pastor had me in tears on Mother’s Day after mentioning “deceased mothers” in his comments prior to his sermon (I didn’t hear the latter due to a noisy little boy who I love with all my heart). I am so thankful for my parents who taught my brother and sisters and me the theological…

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2015 in Review

“If Christ Jesus dwells in a man as his friend and noble leader, that man can endure all things, for Christ helps and strengthens us and never abandons us. He is a true friend.” ~ St. Teresa of Avila ~ January On January 5, I gave Kilian his first haircut. He is my first little…

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Tomorrow is First Friday

Will you be going to Mass? Christ told St. Margaret Mary Alacoque: “I promise you, in the excessive mercy of My Heart, that My all-powerful love will grant to all those who communicate on the First Friday of nine consecutive months, the grace of final penitence; they shall not die in my disgrace, nor without…

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Where Do I Begin?

J.M.J. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I love you! Save souls! I began the month of August thinking that I had so much that I wanted to write about: beach days, a friend’s daughter’s wedding, the Highland Games, and more. I was thinking about ordering curriculum and getting things in order around our house. August 5…

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Camp St. Joan of Arc

Last month, Bernadette and Theresa got to participate in the wonderful girls’ camp that they have attended for the past couple of years. Our favorite seminarian lead this year’s camp. He did a fantastic job. So did the other seminarians. The girls were happy to be woken on a couple of mornings by the sound…

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