The Puyallup Fair

In the beginning of September, we went to the Puyallup fair with some members of our homeschool group. Theresa really wants a horse. Brendan sawed through the log like it was butter. Patrick took a little longer. Finnian liked the chicks. They all liked the pigs.

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Brother Grizzly Bears Playing

I intended to share this video a couple of months ago, but we have been very busy. The bears at Woodland Park Zoo were a favorite with many people, including my children and my nieces (girls are predominant in my family). The grizzly bears seemed to be more active than usual. Finnian enjoys watching our…

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April’s Shower of Photos

I wanted to participate in April’s Shower of Photos as soon as I read about it. However, since our photos are on our main computer and I tend to use our laptop when I blog, I dared not commit. I do have some photos that I want to share and take, though, so I am…

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