The Blessing of Children

Mikhael's Baptism

On Saturday, October 28, we had the privilege of witnessing our tenth godchild’s baptism. I was surprised and honored when our godson’s mother called and asked if we would be godparents to their soon to be adopted baby boy. Little did she know that Mikhael would be born one month early and shortly after calling…

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Advice from My Mom

Growing up, my mom shared a lot of her wisdom with my brother and sisters and me. One of the best pieces of advice that she gave us came when my sisters and I were fighting. Like all children, we would sometimes tattle on each other. My mom would remind us that there are two…

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Rest in Peace, Kim

It is with a heavy heart that I share that Kim died this morning. Thank you to everyone who has been praying for her. May Kim rest in peace and may perpetual light shine upon her. I will always remember Kim’s smiling face, sense of humor, zeal for life, and sharp wit. May Our Blessed…

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July Daybook

Outside my window The sun is shining and the children are running through the sprinkler. At least they were when I started to write this daybook. I am wearing a denim skirt and a black t-shirt. In the kitchen I am hoping to get our barbecue’s propane tank filled so that we can have a…

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Finnian’s First Holy Communion

Ready to leave for Mass During the weeks leading up to Finnian’s First Holy Communion, he was bubbling over with excitement. On Mother’s Day, he came to me and said, “Happy Mother’s Day to you, Mommy, and happy quizzing day to me.” Fr. S. and Fr. V. were going to be quizzing the First Commumion…

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Keeping the Company of the Saints: St. Bernadette Soubirous

 “Every moment that I live I shall spend in loving.” ~ St. Bernadette Soubirous ~ The Grotto at Lourdes The Bells of the Angelus  The bells of the Angelus, Call us to pray.  In sweet tones announcing the sacred Ave  Ave, Ave, Ave Maria.  Ave, Ave, Ave Maria.   An angel of mercy, led Bernadette’s…

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2013 A Year in Review

Last year, I posted a year in review a couple of days early. This year, it’s better late than never…  In January, we celebrated some birthdays and Baptism anniversaries with family and friends. I also continued to take a lot of photos of our little boy. February saw our little boy crawling and pulling himself…

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Cowgirl Party

Elizabeth has wanted a cowgirl birthday party ever since one of her brothers had a cowboy party at the beginning of the year. Since I had plenty of advance notice from her and was feeling like I had a little energy, I decided that a cowgirl party would definitely be doable. First she needed a…

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Summer Camps

This summer, my four oldest children had the privilege of going to summer camps run by Fr. Dennis Gordon, FSSP. Each day, began with Mass, breakfast, and a spiritual talk given by Fr. Gordon. Each evening ended with the children sitting around a campfire, listening to Fr. Gordon share more about the Catholic faith. My…

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A Day at the Zoo

Aquarium On Wednesday, the traditional feast of the North American Martyrs, we spent the day at the the zoo with some friends from our parish. Looking at the Octopus My two oldest children stayed at home. However, Brendan and Theresa joined us to help out and have fun. Budgies Monkey Time In addition to holding…

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“-Receive the sacraments soon and frequently. This cannot be emphasized enough. Baptize babies immediately. If Aunt Martha can’t make it for two months to see the baby, go ahead and throw the baptismal party when it’s convenient for her, but don’t postpone the sacrament to fit her or anyone’s schedule. It is most important that…

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Chickenpox Tips

I have had several friends ask me for tips regarding the chickenpox, so I thought that I would share them here while two of my children are still recovering and ideas are fresh in my mind. Look at the chickenpox as an opportunity to spend time with your child, reading a lot of stories and…

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